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My Shed Plans Review

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[Want To Go Straight To My Shed Plans Video Review? Click Here Now]

There are many reasons for wanting to build a shed. You might need a new place to store your lawn mower, tools, etc. Or the garage is getting too cluttered and you want to move all the excess items to a new place so that only your car is in the garage while everything else is in a shed. Building a shed will make things more organized for you.
However, the idea of hiring a professional woodworker or carpenter to build one for you can be troubling. For starters, there is the hassle of finding a reliable person for the job. Over and above that, it can be costly and you may need to fork out quite a bit of money to pay for it. This is enough to make most people balk at the idea of hiring someone for the job.

It seems so much easier to build one yourself. It will save you money and of course, you will do the best job that you can since it’s your shed. You won’t cut corners and it will be a work of passion instead of getting a stranger who nonchalantly builds one as fast as he can just so that he can get his fee and leave.

The problem that most people face is that they just don’t know where to start. Building a shed seems like a massive project, even if it really isn’t. The idea of doing it yourself seems intimidating. Doubts and questions will arise and most people don’t have any clue as to where to start.

Well… now things have just become a whole lot easier!
Ryan Henderson has compiled and created a collection of over 12,000 shed plans. Ryan, himself is a very experienced woodworker with more than 20 years of experience when it comes to building sheds. This is a man who knows his shed. Pun fully intended.

My Shed Plans is an online bestseller that has sold thousands of copies and it’s still right at the top. Many websites all over the net recommend Ryan’s shed plans as a reliable resource when it comes to building your own shed. It has stood the test of time and shown that this is a reliable product.

To the layman who has never built a shed before, building one from scratch can seem like a massive undertaking. The truth of the matter is that with the right plans, specifications, material list and tips, you could actually build one quite easily without fear.
You just need the right information laid out for you in a step-by-step manner. Ryan does exactly that. Now let’s examine the pros and cons of My Shed Plans and see if this is a product worth buying.

The Good Points:

1) The biggest selling point of Ryan’s Shed Plans collection is the sheer size. With over 12,000 shed plans, there’s a plan for everyone. There are simple plans for the hobbyist and there are advanced plans for those who wish to challenge themselves.

Besides sheds, there are many other plans that allow you to build:

* Adirondack Chair
* Bench Outdoor
* Boat Landing
* Bulk-feed-storage
* Bungalow Mailbox
* Cattle-Shed-Clubhouse
* Decking & Fences
* Dog House
* Dog Kennel
* Garden Bench
* Glider Swing
* Monterey Potting Center
* Nursery Wagon
* Outdoor Stairs
* Playground Equipment
* Railing Planter
* Shed buying guide
* Storage Shed

All you need are the woodworking skills to do the job. If you want to build your skills, you might want to check out Ted’s Woodworking Plans which will really complement Ryan’s guide. You don’t necessarily need Ted’s guide… but it really helps broaden your knowledge on woodworking and related skills. The woodworking hobbyist will love it.

2) Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and Ryan knows that. His blueprints are simple to follow. The instructions are concise and written in simple English so that just about anyone can read and understand them. The diagrams and illustrations will help to give you an idea of how the finished shed is going to look like.

It would be a good practice to read through the plan and examine it before starting off on the project. Many beginners blindly start off and later on realize that they either need more space for the shed or they ordered insufficient raw material. The entire project becomes a nightmare due to lack of planning. So, do try and understand the plans before taking action on them.

3) You’ll be provided a material list for each project and this will prevent wastage. Too many people buy way more than what they need for the project and the excess material goes to waste. With these material lists, you’ll know exactly what to buy and how much to buy.

Do try and get a good deal from the guy at the store. Since you’re building a shed and not a table, you’ll require more supplies and you should try and get it all at once. This will be a bulk purchase and you’ll be able to persuade the store owner to give you a discount on your purchase.

4) Just when you thought the package was huge, Ryan goes a step further and has a bonus package of 5000 more shed plans and you get it absolutely free. Variety is the spice of life. You’ll be spoiled for choice. To make things better, you’ll get garage plans and also DWG/CAD illustrations.

There is also a guide on the basics of woodworking and many other woodworking tips and tricks shared by industry experts. This collection will broaden your knowledge on woodworking and set you on the path to becoming an expert woodworker.

5) As with all things, over time there will be wear and tear. The shed you built will get worn down and damaged. With the information in My Shed Plans, you’ll know how to remedy the situation and restore your shed.

6) Ryan has so much faith in his product that he has put his money where his mouth is. My Shed Plans has a money back guarantee that is valid for 60 days. You’ll be able to try out the plans and see if you like what you get. You have 2 months to test the product out and see if it works for you. This is fantastic. What’s impressive is that despite this guarantee, the product has a very low refund rate. This is testimony that My Shed Plans delivers on what it says it will.

7) This is a highly affordable product. While there may be books on the market that are cheaper, you’ll just not get this many plans. In fact, there are many more guides that are far more expensive than Ryan’s shed plans but they don’t have the variety or benefits that this one does. You’re definitely getting value for money here.

8) This guide will save you money if you use it. Could you imagine paying hundreds or even thousands to hire a carpenter to build one for you? My Shed Plans only costs $37. This is a one-time fee. With some time and elbow grease, you could build on your own at a fraction of the cost.

Over and above that, you will have something that you can look at and be proud of… not to mention that you get bragging rights and can tell your friends and family that you built it. Build a nice shed and your wife will never hear the last of it.

9) With Ryan’s plans, you’ll actually be able to start a profitable business building sheds for others. The plans give you everything you need to do your job well. The enterprising individual with the right skills will be able to build sheds for people who may not have a clue as to how to build one… or they may just not want the hassle.

If you love working with your hands and want to get paid thousands for it, you can offer a shed building service to others. With a business card and some networking, you could actually have a very profitable shed building business.

You already have all the plans that you could possibly need with My Shed Plans. All you need to do is build them for cash. Do remember to work out some arrangement with your local supplies store so that you get your supplies at a discounted rate since you’re a regular customer. This will increase your profit margins.

10) Beginners will find this product very helpful because there are simple plans to follow. It can be very intimidating to build your very own shed. If the plan is too difficult to follow or beyond your skill level, you’ll end up with a half-finished project that will be a sight for sore eyes and a reminder of your failure to complete what you started. Not to mention that you’d have spent time and money for nothing.

In My Shed Plans, you’ll have access to plans that fall within your skill level and you’ll be amazed at what you can do with the right plan.

The Bad Points:

1) As with all things, size can be overwhelming and 12,000 plans is quite a bit to go through. Some people might feel intimidated and not know where to start. Everything will seem good and they may find it difficult to choose the ‘perfect’ plan.

Take your time and go through the collection. You do not need to immediately pick one and get started. Think about your needs for the shed. By having a good idea of why you’re building the shed, you won’t be skimming the collection mindlessly without knowing what to pick.

A general rule of thumb is that a shed is used to store tools and other equipment that may be taking up too much place in your garage. If you wish to move all your equipment from your garage to the shed, it would be a good idea to make a list of all current equipment and any future equipment/tools that you may buy. Now you’ll know roughly how much space you need and what kind of shed to build. This will make choosing a shed much easier.

2) My Shed Plans is a digital download and you can only get it online. That essentially means that you’ll need an internet connection to buy and access this product. Later on, you can choose to print out the plan that you want for easier reference.

3) It’s best to have some woodworking knowledge so that you know how to read the plans and do what you need to do to build the shed. This guide is not a miracle product that will take you from a newbie without a clue to an expert woodworker. You will need a basic understanding of woodworking.

Should You Get It?

With ‘My Shed Plans’ you’ll greatly reduce the learning curve and be able to build your outdoor shed faster and with ease. It gives you the knowledge and specifications to create a shed that looks like it was built by an expert.
Of course, it will help if you have basic woodworking skills. If you don’t, as mentioned earlier, you may wish to invest in Ted’s Woodworking Plans because of the wealth of information that will help you become an excellent woodworker.

With over 12,000 plans, you don’t even need to think twice about purchasing My Shed Plans. It’s an excellent investment. After building your shed, you might decide to knock it down after 3 years and build a new one. Once again, you could refer to My Shed Plans and use a new plan.
Your son will be able to use these plans when he grows up. You could move to any part of the country and if you need to build a shed, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to find a plan that works for you.

This is a one-time investment that will reap rewards over and over for a long time. As far as shed plans go, there is no collection out there as varied or comprehensive as Ryan’s collection. Most aren’t as easy as Ryan’s plans either. So, you can definitely put your faith in this guide and get it today.

For my full in depth review of My Shed Plans, watch the video below.


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8 Prepper Basics Crucial For Survival

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[Want To Go Straight To My The Lost Ways Video Review? Click Here Now]

Prepping has become very popular over the past few years. Many of the bestselling guides online that sell thousands of copies are on this topic. There is a very good reason for this.

With all the calamities, natural disasters, doomsday prophecies, terrorist attacks, etc. more and more people are realizing that it is good to be prepared for any unforeseen event.

The hard truth is that even a simple blackout or water shortage can leave many people feeling stranded. There have been real scenarios where there is a flood or some disaster and thousands of people are in a dire situation because they’re unprepared.

To make matters worse, help takes ages to arrive due to problems with logistics, finances or just poor organization. So, it’s a very good idea to have survival knowledge to cope and survive during such situations.

Skills like first aid, knowing how to preserve food, self-defense, etc. can mean the difference between life and death. If you’ve watched The Walking Dead TV series, you’ll understand just how dangerous things can get if there is a shortage of food or a collapse of law and order.

The ugly side of human nature will rear its head and it will shock you just how selfish and heartless people can get. While The Walking Dead is just a TV show, it depicts a relatively accurate portrayal of human nature when things go south.

That’s exactly why you MUST have prepper and survival skills to deal with such situations. This short report will share with you a few important tips. However, this guide is just a primer on this topic and merely scratches the surface when it comes to prepping.

While the tips here are useful, you would be wise to learn the survival tips shared in The Lost Ways. It has everything you need to know to survive in different scenarios. Do check it out.

So, what is the difference between a survivalist and a prepper?
When it comes to readiness for anything that life throws at you, there are survivalists and there are preppers. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they are actually very different.

Probably one of the most famous survivalists is Bear Grylls, from the TV show, Man vs Wild. He has a wealth of knowledge that allows him to survive in the harshest of environments.

Put him in a jungle or a desert or some icy landscape and this guy will be able to survive. He is a survival expert but… that does not necessarily make him a prepper.

Survivalists and preppers have a common goal for sure, but there are major differences in the overall sentiment and outcome of their behavior.

There are many commonalities between survivalists and preppers. At their core, both have the similar ideal of being ready for a disaster.

Both survivalists and preppers alike spend time and resources to prepare for impending disasters such as major weather events, war, and even statistically unlikely disasters.

Both of these types of people have a strong will to live and make preparations for themselves and their families not only to survive a potentially disastrous event, but also after the event.

Many of the preparations will involve supplies to allow them to continue to live without aid for an extended period of time.

The difference between survivalists and preppers comes down to how seriously they take themselves. Make no mistakes about it, both of these groups of people are quite serious about their preparations for the future safety and comfort of themselves and their families. The core difference is really how seriously they take it, and how extreme their plans and preparations are.

There are also differences in how both of these groups prepare for unforeseen events and disasters. For example, one group might stockpile huge amounts of non-perishable foods while the other will have a smaller stockpile and rely heavily on seeds to grow their own food.

Survivalists differ from preppers in the way they make their preparations and their overall idea of surviving after an event.

Survivalists, for example, tend to look to the Earth and wilderness for much of their survival needs. A survivalist will learn about the area around them and look to live off the land rather than having huge stockpiles. These people will likely hunt, forage, and grow their own food for their survival needs.

A survivalist is really exactly what their name suggests. They will do what needs to be done to survive. They do not expect to rely on the comforts of civilized life to sustain them during or in the aftermath of a disastrous event.

Preppers differ from survivalists in how they plan to survive and even thrive after a disaster.

Preppers will usually have large stockpiles of supplies, non-perishable foods, and other items that will help them remain safe, alive, and even comfortable during and after such an event.

A prepper will typically have a stockpile large enough not only to get them through the event, but large enough to sustain them until rescue.

Preppers are usually considered to be the more “serious” or “fervent” in their preparations. This might be because their preparations are often more visible to the people around them. The lengths at which preppers will prepare and stockpile are extremely varied from person to person.

Survivalists and preppers are different in the way that they make their preparations and their overall ideals for how to survive, but at their core they are very similar.

Both groups do the work and planning necessary to ensure that they not only survive a potential disaster, but thrive in the aftermath. They are both built on the platform of hard work, planning, and optimism that they will survive no matter what happens.

Survival Training 101

With all of the reality shows on television dedicated to survival techniques and even “doomsday” type preppers, you are likely somewhat familiar with the idea of survival training.

But, what those television shows might not explain properly is that survival training isn’t just for adventure buffs and the slightly paranoid.

Survival training is a very real and useful life tool that everyone should look into at some level. The fact is that being prepared for unforeseen disasters (such as destructive weather events, major industrial accidents, or even terrorism) is a responsible move.

What Is Survival Training?

Survival training is exactly what it sounds like. It is training you to survive outside of your usual comfort zone. Survival training can be taught for wilderness survival, or even urban survival should you ever be in a situation where you need to survive on your own in a city environment. There are many facets of survival training.

What Skills Are Taught?

Since there are so many types of survival training, the skill sets will vary, but most of the common core necessities will always be taught. These skills will revolve around food, water, shelter, and first aid.

Who Needs Survival Training?
Everyone needs to have at least a basic working knowledge of how to survive in many types of situations. Anyone that could ever get lost in the woods, find themselves stranded anywhere, or find themselves in a disaster situations could seriously benefit from survival training.

Why Is Survival Training Necessary?
Catastrophic disasters are not all that far-fetched, and people get stranded or lost almost every day. If your car stalls on a deserted road with no way to call for help, you need to know what to do and how to proceed.

When Is a Good Time to Look into Survival Training?
The Chinese have a proverb… “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

This is very true for survival training. The best time to learn is during times of peace. Once disaster strikes, you will not have time to start learning.

Considering the fact that accidents and disasters of all types happen nearly every day, the sooner you are prepared for anything the better.

Will I Ever Really Use Survival Training?
Consider the old adage “Hope for the best, but plan for the worst”. Hopefully you will never have to use the skills you learn through survival training, but it certainly will help if you ever do.

Where Can I Find Survival Training?
There are survival classes and trainers all over the world. Some are taught in a class environment, while others offer more one-on-one type experiences. Or you could read The Lost Ways and learn whatever you need to know from there.

How Do I Locate Survival Experts in My Area?
A search through the internet or yellow pages will help you locate a trainer in your area. Of course, make sure that you are hiring a reputable person with plenty of experience, referrals, and recommendations.

Survival training isn’t just for adrenaline junkies, Eagle Scouts, and worriers. In fact, it is a very responsible life skill to have. Consider everything that could go wrong on a daily basis, and you will see that survival training is one of the smartest things to do to keep yourself and family safe – no matter what.

Now let’s look at 8 basic prepper skills you must have.

Skill #1 – Being able to store and preserve food/water
Knowing how to store and preserve your food is probably the most important skill that any prepper should possess. During a disaster, the food and water you’ve stored can mean the difference between survival or extreme hardship.

When there is a shortage of food and water, people will scramble and fight for whatever scraps they can get. The situation can get very ugly. It is of paramount importance to prepare ahead of time.

Since food is a perishable item, you will need to know what foods can last a long time and it will really help if you have knowledge of food preservation.

It is never a bad idea to have at least a small stockpile of food in the event of an emergency. Inclement weather events, power outages, and other disasters could make finding food outside of your home nearly impossible. Having something to fall back on is a smart and safe plan.

Consider this very realistic scenario: What if you were caught in a long-term power outage due to a severe storm that caused flooding and major damage to roadways. In a situation like that you could be stuck in your home potentially for weeks.

How Much Food Should You Store?
Every home should have a minimum of three days’ worth of food and water appropriate for their family size, but having at least two weeks’ worth is preferred.

The rule of thumb for water is one gallon of water per person per day, and do not forget to count children and pets at up to a full gallon of water each as well.

The amount of food will depend on your family, but there should be enough to provide enough calories and nutrition to keep you healthy. At the very minimum, each family member should be able to have at least one full meal per day.

What Kinds of Food Should You Store?
You will want to stock food that has a minimum of a 3-6 month shelf life, and keep that stock rotated so that nothing is spoiled should an emergency occur.

Look for canned goods and other non-perishable foods that your family will eat. It will not do much good to only stock canned foods that no-one likes, because then it will be less likely that everyone will consume enough food and get the proper nutrition.

What Are Some Examples of Foods to Store?
Ready to eat canned goods that do not require cooking before consumption, granola bars, dried milk, peanut butter, nuts, and protein bars are all examples of good items to store.

Crackers, bread, and similar products are good to keep as well – as long as you keep the stock rotated and keep in mind that they will not last as long as non-perishable items.

How Do You Store Food Items Long Term?
Have a shelf, closet, pantry, or cellar dedicated to your emergency food storage. Everything in your emergency food supply should be stored in airtight containers and you will want to have extra storage containers and/or zip lock bags to keep opened items in.

Keep a list or clearly mark all boxes, cans, and bags with expiration dates and “opened on” dates and keep your stock rotated and free of expired items.

Keeping a stockpile of food and water for your family to fall back on in times of need is a responsible part of emergency preparedness.

Skill #2 – First Aid
Another very useful skill to have will be first aid skills. During tough times, it’s easier to get wounded or become sick. A knowledge of first aid will help you treat wounds or health issues in a timely manner.

Very often, the first aid will help the person who is suffering to hold on until professional medical help arrives. Immediate assistance from someone with a knowledge of first aid can mean the difference between life and death. Do take up a first aid course.

Skill #3 – Self-defense
It goes without saying that you will need self-defense skills to defend yourself or protect your family. During stressful times, people will rob, steal and kill just to get something from you. Law and order may not be present and this will exacerbate the problem.

Learn how to handle a handgun and practice on the range whenever you can. Tactical training in stressful scenarios will help you be better prepared during an actual event where danger is imminent.

Most people are not mentally prepared to handle a stressful scenario. Even if they know how to use a gun, they may freeze up when it’s time to use it because they’re paralyzed by fear.

Besides guns, hand to hand combat skills are really helpful too. Choose arts like krav maga, eskrima, close quarter combat or boxing. These will be far more effective in a situation where you need to protect yourself.

Traditional martial arts while effective take years to master and most people just don’t have the time to practice so much. You need simple and effective maneuvers to take down your opponent fast so that you can escape.

Skill #4 – Homekeeping & gardening skills
Learn to mend your own clothes, fix your plumbing and even grow your own vegetables in your garden. In our current day and age, we often rely on others to do certain tasks.

If there’s a drain choke, we call the plumber. If we need groceries, we go to the supermarket. It’s all so easy. However, during difficult times, there may not be a plumber around or the local supermarket may be empty. What will you do then?

If you know how to grow your own veggies and fix your household issues yourself, you will not need to be reliant on anyone else.

Skill #5 – Outdoor skills
Outdoor skills refer to being able to hunt and fish or forage for food. You may even wish to raise your own chickens and many people do this. But you’ll need to butcher them yourself.

Killing an animal takes some getting used to and it would be a good idea to practice it every now and then so you get used to the feeling of hunting and killing an animal for food.

Knowing how to raise livestock properly and how to get the most use out of the meat and organs is a skill you’ll need to learn. It’s best to take up some classes at a farm where they’ll show you how to go about it.

Skill #6 – Mechanical skills
Mechanical skills here refer to being able to keep your vehicle working during times of crisis. Knowing how to change a tire or change the oil are very useful skills to have. There might not be a mechanic or a tow truck service around during bad times.

Once again, there are courses and classes that you can take to brush up your skills here. A vehicle is very important because it means that you’re mobile and if the vehicle breaks down on you, you will be equipped with the skills to fix the problem and keep going.

Skill #7 – Knowing how to build a black out box
Power outages are very common and happen more often than any natural disaster. You need to be able to build a black box to keep things going. You can learn how to build one in The Lost Ways and there’s a lot of other information that will help you too.

Skill #8 – Physical fitness
Physical fitness is a very important factor to surviving a tough situation. You may need to run from danger. You may need to climb or lift things that are heavy. There may be days when food is short but there’s still a lot of physical work you need to do.

By being physically fit, you’ll be able to handle the demands that arise from difficult scenarios. Exercise often and stay fit. Maintain your stamina and also use resistance training to build your strength.

Not only will you be better prepared but you’ll be healthier, fitter and look better. This is a win-win situation.

In Conclusion…
These are some of the basic but essential skills that every serious prepper needs to have. Of course, there are many other things that you can and should learn.

You don’t know what you don’t know. That’s exactly why it’s best to get a proven guide on the topic. One of the best on the market is The Lost Ways and it’s probably the only one you’ll need.

There’s so much info in it that even expert preppers will learn new techniques after reading it. Do check it out and you will be amazed.

For my full in depth review of The Lost Ways, watch the video below.


