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Struggling To Burn Off The Stubborn Belly Fat and See Your Abs?

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A lean tummy and six pack abs are one of the most coveted goals on this planet. Every year millions of people around the world tell themselves on New Year’s Eve…”That’s it! This year I’m going to get ripped and fit!”

By January 17th, almost 98% of these people have given up on their New Year’s resolution. The flat tummy and six pack become a dream that just can’t be attained and is best shelved for the next year.

But why? Why is this resolution so difficult to keep to? Why does only 2% of the entire world’s population have a body fat percentage low enough to reveal a six pack? Why?

The answer is simple. They do not have any idea what they are doing. They don’t have a plan or a clue. We all know that if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. Proven programs such as the Truth About Abs system show exactly what you need to do, how you should do it and when to do it.

The key to seeing your abs or getting a flat tummy can be summarized in 2 words. Fat loss. If you can get your body fat percentage low enough, you will see your abs and your tummy will be lean.

The Most Crucial Fat Loss Factor

The most important thing that you absolutely MUST do before you even start chewing on that boiled broccoli is this… You must define your why.

You’re probably thinking, “Define my what?”… “My life is full of whys! Why am I fat? Why does 1 muffin slap 10 pounds on my belly but 10 hours of cardio do nothing?”
These are all reasonable whys… but the most important why question you should be asking yourself is this… “Why do I want to burn my fat and see my abs?” or “Why do I want a flat, lean tummy?”

In most cases, women just want a nice, sexy, flat tummy. Men prefer to have abs so ripped that it’ll make, Hugh Jackman, look like Winnie the Pooh.

Your why will ALWAYS be emotional. So, you’ll have to dig deep. Most people do not exercise because they want clear, unclogged arteries or good blood circulation. That’s not the way we think.

If you’re a guy, you probably want to be able to take your shirt off at the beach and turn women’s heads. A bulging, fatty belly will still turn heads… but it’ll just be the other way.

If you’re a lady, you probably want a lean tummy so that you’ll look awesome in a dress and maybe make your other girlfriends jealous. Or you might want to feel sexy for your boyfriend or husband.

You could be a parent who wants to lose weight and be healthy so that you have extra energy to run after your toddler. Or you’re worried that your health is in such a precarious state that you might not live long enough to see your children grow up.

Whatever the case may be, you must find out your why. Then WRITE IT DOWN!

Write down exactly why you want to shed the fat and see your abs and how it will make you feel once you’ve lost the weight and attained your goal.

Once that is done, make copies of it and paste it all around your house so that you never forget it. Most importantly, paste it on your refrigerator door and around your kitchen.

Losing weight takes discipline, effort and determination. The concept while simple is not exactly easy. This is a six pack quest… a quest to burn off fat that doesn’t want to come off.

There will be times when you will be dejected and lose hope. Times when you do not seem to make progress. It will seem easier to throw in the towel and pick up a slice of pizza.

It’s at times like these that you must read the why that you wrote down. This is true for any goal. Success is not linear. There are setbacks, comebacks and times when you just don’t seem to progress no matter how hard you work.

Your why will keep you grounded and focused. It’ll keep you going when your tank is empty. Find your why and write it down.

Help! My cardio is killing me!

The number one mistake that most people make when trying to burn fat is to overdo their cardio.

Take a trip to the park or gym for a few days and observe the people there. More often than not, you’ll see that it’s the same people who keep running or jogging on and on. Yet, they’re usually overweight or they are thin but don’t exactly exude an image of fitness.


The answer is that cardio is not the be all and end all of fat loss. You MUST mix up your cardio with resistance training.

Even your cardio sessions need to vary. On some days, you’ll need to do high intensity cardio. This is also known as high intensity interval training. On other days, you should engage in slow, steady cardio.

There is absolutely no need to be like a hamster running on a wheel for ages. Keep your cardio sessions short and hard. When you engage in 30 minutes of high intensity cardio, you will experience an ‘afterburn’ effect which is basically your body burning calories for hours.

The Truth About Abs is a proven program which focuses on the amount of work done. It will show you exactly what matters when it comes to fat loss. Short workout sessions that will put your body in fat burning mode for hours. Stop wasting your time pounding the pavement or treadmill endlessly.

In fact, if you do too much cardio, you will end up stressing your body out. This will make your body release cortisol which is a stress hormone. You really don’t want this to happen because cortisol makes you gain weight on your belly indirectly. Your appetite goes up; it gets harder to lose weight, etc.

Why is it taking ages to lose my belly fat?

This is an excellent question. Why is weight gain so much easier than weight loss?
Same reason that failing a math exam so much easier than passing it. Same reason that spending money is so much easier than saving it.

Doing something worthwhile takes effort and sacrifice… and time.

You will only see your abs once you have burnt off the layer of fat on your tummy. You could do thousands of sit-ups, crunches, hanging leg raises, v-sits or kung fu kicks, but if your body fat percentage is high, your abs will never show.

A rough gauge would be a body fat percentage of about 9% for men and below 15% for women. At this level, your abs will show and your tummy will be lean. To get to this level of body fat requires effort and TIME.

This is the biggest problem. We live in an age where people want instant gratification. An age of text messaging, email, microwaves, etc. We want things and we want them now. Most people expect to lose weight ASAP.

That’s why they succumb to scammy products from weight loss pills to dubious exercise machines sold on cheesy late night infomercials. They want fast results.

The hard truth is that the human body does what it wants at its own pace. You can’t send your body a text message and tell it to drop 5 pounds from your thighs and 2 pounds from your butt.

It doesn’t work that way. The ONLY way your body will lose weight is if it is in a caloric deficit for a prolonged period of time. You will need to exercise, eat right and rest adequately. Most importantly, stop expecting immediate results. Be happy with a 1% loss of total bodyweight each week. That is good progress!

It took time to gain the belly and it will take time to lose it. When aiming for a six pack, the last few pounds are ALWAYS the toughest. Most guys give up just when they are at about 12 to 13% body fat. These are the “hard yards”. Keep on keeping on. It may take another month or two… but if you stay the course, rest assured, you will burn off the most stubborn layer of fat and finally see your abs in all their glory.

Besides not being patient enough, there are a few other reasons your fat loss may seem to be taking ages.

You might not be eating at a caloric deficit. Many people over estimate the amount of calories expended. 3 slices of pizza can cancel out an entire workout at the gym. You must always be aware of how many calories you’re consuming and what your daily caloric requirement is.

Are You Cheating Yourself On Cheat Days?

This is one of the most common mistakes that people make when they are trying to lose weight. Before going into details, we need to understand the theory behind cheat days.

When you are trying to lose weight, you need to be on a caloric deficit of 500 calories a day. This is achieved by eating less, making wise food choices and exercising. Since you are aiming for fat loss and not just weight loss, you need to go on a slow but steady program.

Most people who crash diet end up losing muscle and lowering their metabolic rate. This is a double whammy. Fat burning will grind to a halt and when that happens, your weight loss will hit a plateau and this can be exasperating.

Therefore, slow and steady wins the race. However, even if you diet and exercise the correct way and do your best, when your body is on a caloric deficit for 4 to 6 days in a row, it will automatically drop your metabolic rate as it tries to “preserve” its fat stores.

In order, to overcome this problem, we have a cheat day. On this day, you will aim for a caloric surplus. Preferably in the 500 to 700 calorie range. This will refresh your leptin levels and give your metabolic rate a boost. Your body will go back into fat burning mode since the body does not believe that it is starving.

This is also where the majority of people make a mistake.

They use the cheat day to gorge themselves on all the food that they can eat. Some even manage to reach caloric surpluses of 2000 to even 5000 calories. That is not a cheat day. It is chaos.

You can cause your weight loss efforts to slow down or worse. You may actually gain weight. This will cause feelings of guilt, frustration and anger. It’s like taking one step forward and two steps back.

Find out your daily calorie requirement and add 500 or 600 to it. That’s it. That’s the caloric surplus you should aim for. Even if you wish to eat junk food or whatever your heart desires, eat them in the right amount but make sure you do not exceed your target calorie surplus.

This being said, generally, it would be best to avoid junk food or processed food. It’s just not good for your health. It may sound boring and a tremendous sacrifice forsaking the food you love.

However, thousands of people can testify that after a few months of avoiding junk food, their body totally stopped craving for these sinful pleasures.

You do not need to obsess over the numbers but you need to at least have a fairly good idea of where you stand as far as your diet and calories are concerned.

Consume adequate water daily. This is crucial! Water naturally suppresses your appetite and helps to metabolize the fat.

Watch your carb intake. Try and limit your carbohydrates, especially the starchy carbs. You should not eliminate carbs from your diet completely like what the Atkins diet recommends.

You do need carbs for energy during your cardio workouts. However, limit them and either consume them early in the day or immediately after an intense workout.

The numbers on a scale can be misleading. When people embark on a weight loss plan, they may include resistance training as part of the training regimen. Even people, who are totally on a cardio training plan, will experience a growth in lean muscle. This is inevitable.

Most overweight people have poor muscle tone. So, once they start exercising, the body starts burning fat and simultaneously gaining muscle. If you were to measure your weight on the scales, there may be no change in the numbers because the 2 pounds of fat you lost may have been replaced by 2 pounds of muscle.

Since muscle is denser than fat, your body size would have shrunk a little even though there is no change on the scale. That is why it is so crucial to track your progress by using photos or a measuring tape to measure different parts of your body. This will be a much better way to track your progress.


How Do I Ramp Up My Metabolism?

Overweight people often curse their bad genes. Usually what that means is that they have a slow metabolic rate. It is true that some people have a metabolic rate that is slower than other people.

However, it would not be a good idea to blame your genes or metabolism. That will take away power from you and make you feel like losing weight is beyond your ability.

You definitely can lose weight even if your metabolic rate is low. It’s possible to increase your metabolic rate with a few simple techniques.

The Truth About Abs program recommends weight training as a very effective way to boost your metabolic rate. Not all resistance training works. Doing bicep curls will not do much to help you. You need compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, snatches and all the other cool techniques shown in the program.

Using a combination of compound movements, full body workouts and proper rest times between sets, you will raise your metabolic rate and keep it up for hours.

Another technique you can employ is short quick workouts throughout the day.

Anytime you have 5 minutes to spare, you can do a quick workout. It could be 30 push-ups followed by 40 mountain climbers. Or 3 sets of 10 burpees. These are extremely quick workouts that have only one purpose. To elevate your heart rate and give your metabolic rate a quick boost.

They do not take long and can be done anywhere. Bodyweight exercises are all you need. You just need to do them rapidly for 2 to 4 minutes. What this does is that it keeps your body in fat burning mode constantly. After a few hours, when your metabolic rate is starting to drop, another quick 3 minutes of exercise will perk it up again.

Do this throughout the day and not only will your metabolic rate be at an all-time high, but you will also feel more active, fit and alert.

Daily life can be draggy and monotonous. These little workouts will challenge you and even if you are tired, once you do a quick workout, you will be all pumped up and ready to take on the world.

Five Little Tricks That Will Help You Shed the Belly Fat Faster

Do not expect overnight miracles with these tips but do know that if you follow them, you’ll be helping your body burn more calories in the same period of time. Every calorie counts.

1. Join a team sport
Basketball, karate, soccer, hockey, etc. are all activities that burn calories. The difference between these sports and slogging it out alone in the gym or pounding the tracks on your own is that sports are much more fun and less taxing.

Sometimes, going to the gym or doing cardio daily can get monotonous. You really need a break. That’s where a sport will help. You do not have to do a team sport daily. Just during those times when the normal workouts get boring and you really need something to perk you up.

2. Skip dinner
This is similar to intermittent fasting. When you skip dinner, your body will have more time to burn calories from its fat stores instead of food.

3. Add green tea to your diet
Studies have shown that green tea raises metabolism and has many health benefits. Some websites or magazines may say that green tea’s effects are too minute to be counted as beneficial.

Just drink it anyway. It’s good for health and many people have benefited from it.

4. Brush your teeth after your last meal for the day
Most of us are conditioned to sleep once we brush our teeth. Once you have eaten your last meal for the day, brushing your teeth will subconsciously tell your body to stop eating. This will prevent late night cravings for snacks or other junk food.

5. Consume smaller meals spaced at regular intervals
Do not eat 3 large meals that leave you feeling bloated and full. Eat smaller meals and always stop while you are partially full. It takes a longer time for your brain to process the fact that your stomach is full. By the time the signal comes, you may have over eaten.

These 5 tips can really help you if you follow them. Just remember that it’s ok if it takes time to lose the fat. It took you time to gain it. It’s just the natural order of things.

Always bear in mind that the quest for a six pack is actually a quest to lose fat. If there is just one point you remember from this entire report, let it be this. Lose the fat and you’ll see your abs.

The journey is what truly matters and if you stay focused on your fat loss journey with persistence and patience, you will reach your destination. A lean or ripped body that you can be proud of.

For my full in depth review of The Truth About Abs, watch the video below.






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10 Amazing Uses Of Coconut Oil

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coconut-oilWhat You Need to Know About Coconut Oil!

Coconut oil has seen a surge in popularity ever since studies showed that it was not hazardous to one’s health and was not a cause of cardiovascular disease.

The misconception arose because coconut oil is extremely high in saturated fats. So, people jumped the gun and assumed that just because it was high in fat it was detrimental.

However, many new studies have dispelled these misconceptions and actually turned the tables. We had been wrong all along. Coconut oil is very beneficial to the body and the real culprits are the hydrogenated oils that are sold in supermarkets all over the world.

This short report will reveal a few facts about coconut oil that will make you decide to make it a part of your life. It is just too beneficial to ignore.

Do note that it’s ideal to get a guide on coconut oil like The Coconut Oil Secret so that you can learn all the different ways to use coconut oil to benefit yourself.

* Coconut oil is extracted from the coconut kernel and is very popular in South East Asia. The Indians use it in their cooking and as hair oil too.

* Coconut oil is composed of more than 85% saturated fats. These are healthy fats that are medium-chain triglycerides.

* Coconut oil contains lauric acid that is antiprotozoal in nature. That means it is akin to a natural form of medication. Since it’s antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial, it prevents an many potential health problems from taking root.

* Cold pressed coconut oil is sweet, has a pleasant taste and is light yellow in color

* It is also calorie dense. 1 gram of coconut oil contains almost 9 calories. If you’re on a 2,000 calorie a day diet, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil will meet your daily needs.

* Coconut oil is perfect for frying meats, grilling and cooking dishes in high heat. Since it is stable in high heat and has a high smoke point, it is far better to use coconut oil rather than olive oil that will have oxidative damage at high heat

* The ratio of saturated, polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats is of 86.5: 1.8: 5.8

* The lauric acid and medium-chain triglycerides are rapidly absorbed into the blood stream and used as energy. Your metabolic rate will get a boost while your good cholesterol level rises.

* Coconut oil should always be stored in a cool place.

* Coconut oil has hundreds of other uses ranging from moisturizing your skin to whitening your teeth. This is a highly versatile oil.

* It’s always recommended that you consume virgin coconut oil. If you can make it yourself, that will be excellent and better than any store bought coconut oil.

* You can make coconut oil using the cold press method, wet mill method or the boiling method.

There are many more amazing facts about coconut oil that are enough to write a book about. Yet, one fact remains. Reading about coconut oil will not benefit you if you never adopt it in your daily life.

The best way to experience the benefits of coconut oil will be to consume a small amount daily and see how it affects you. When you feel more energetic and get leaner, you will definitely realize the beauty and power of this miracle ingredient.

#1 – Use Coconut Oil to Keep Your Cholesterol and Weight Down

High cholesterol levels and obesity has become so common place that just about everybody knows somebody who is either obese or has high cholesterol levels. In most cases, both.

But why? What has made obesity an epidemic? Why are there more people with high cholesterol than ever before?

There is one silent culprit that most people are unaware of. It is the toxic hydrogenated vegetable oils that are sold in stores and supermarkets all over the world.

The oil manufacturing companies have created an image that portrays these vegetable oils as healthy, wholesome and beneficial. The stark reality is that the opposite is true.

These oils raise the levels of bad cholesterol in the body and cause inflammation in millions of people. The human body does not readily absorb these oils and most of it is shuttled off as fat stores and people just keep getting fatter and wonder why.

The fat is also extremely stubborn to burn off because it’s holding on to the toxins from these oils to protect the body.

Coconut oil which has had a bad reputation for years has finally received a new breath of life after recent studies have shown that even though it is high in saturated fat, it is very beneficial to the body and detrimental like the other oils.

People who have switched to coconut oil have noticed weight loss, extra energy and less digestive disorders. They are also less prone to falling ill because coconut oil has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Coconut oil is quickly absorbed by the body and converted to energy.

You will feel satiated and be less prone to weight gain because the body doesn’t see a need to store fats since it has a readily available supply of energy.

So, consuming coconut oil will prevent unnecessary weight gain. Coconut oil also boosts your metabolic rate and burns up to 3 times more calories.

Another benefit of coconut oil is that it converts cholesterol into pregnenolone. So, your bad cholesterol levels will decrease naturally and the balance in your body will be restored. Your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels will be low and your good cholesterol levels will be high.

The best way to use coconut oil to combat bad cholesterol and weight gain will be to gradually adopt it in our diet. By making the switch from the bad oils to coconut oil, you will effectively eliminate most of the health problems that are plaguing society currently.

Inflammation, obesity, high cholesterol, sleep disorders, digestive problems, type 2 diabetes, etc. can all be prevented or kept in check just by consuming coconut oil daily. The lauric acid in the coconut oil will kill viruses and boost your immune system.

3 to 4 tablespoons of coconut oil a day will do wonders for you.

Coconut oil is more versatile than olive oil but you should also make olive oil a part of your diet too. Studies have shown that countries in South East Asia which use coconut oil do not have as many diseases as the Western nations. Obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. are not so prevalent.

Make coconut oil a part of your diet and reap the rewards. It is one of the healthiest supplements on the planet and it’s inexpensive. This is not a privilege that only the wealthy can afford. Coconut oil is very inexpensive and most people can afford it. So, make the switch and choose coconut oil.

#2 – Use Coconut Oil to Battle Chronic Fatigue

We live in a world where everything is so fast paced that people barely have time to breathe. Despite more conveniences than ever, we are constantly short of time. This has resulted in many of us feeling tired, lethargic, fatigued and just not in the mood for anything.

Millions of people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. One of the major causes of this is a poor, nutrient deficient diet that is not doing your body any good. People often neglect their health in pursuit of a rewarding career, money, etc.

The truth of the matter is that you are what you eat. Hastily gobbling a hot dog you just bought off a greasy stand may fill your belly but it is not what your body needs. Your body needs good nutrients, healthy fats and also adequate exercise.

Since we live in a rat-race society, one of the best things that you can do for your body is to make coconut oil a part of your diet. It will work wonders for your body and mitigate much of the damage that junk food and processed food causes.

Coconut oil has lauric acid which is antiprotozoal, antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial. That means it will kill off harmful bacteria and other detrimental viruses that may harm you. The moment the bacteria and viruses in your body are in check, you will automatically feel better and have more energy.

Coconut oil boosts your metabolic rate and helps to shed excess fat. The medium-chain fatty acids will be absorbed by your body and converted to fuel quickly. You will have an energy boost by consuming coconut oil.

Millions of people are suffering from chronic fatigue and it may be so debilitating that even normal day to day activities may seem too demanding. Make coconut oil a part of your diet and in a matter of time you will probably give chronic fatigue the boot.

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats and healthy omega 3 acids. Most of us have a very unbalanced ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids. Coconut oil will correct the balance and improve your health. Once there is balance within your body, you will definitely have more energy.

The common hydrogenated oils that are sold in stores are injurious to one’s health and have many adverse effects. One of the worst side effects of consuming hydrogenated oils is inflammation.

Inflammation makes your body ache and feel painful for no reason. Your joints ache, your muscles ache, your tummy has disorders… and to sum it all up, you just do not feel good. You just can’t muster up the energy to live life to its fullest potential.

After all, how could you? You are in pain.

The best remedy for this will be to completely eliminate hydrogenated oils from your diet. If that’s too difficult, at least limit your consumption of it.

You should cook at home using coconut oil and olive oil, depending on the style of cooking. It’s best to use coconut oil for frying and other food preparation that involves high heat.

Once you make coconut oil a part of your daily diet, you will be less prone to fatigue, lymph node problems, muscle aches, sleep disorders, fevers, rashes, joint pain, etc.

Your immune system will be stronger and you will be leaner and more energetic now that you have overcome fatigue with the potent coconut oil.

In The Coconut Oil Secret you’ll discover many ways to make coconut oil a part of your diet.

5 Coconut Oil Beauty Secrets You MUST Know

Coconut oil has been used for many years by our ancestors for its many benefits and they used it to beautify themselves. Now you will learn 5 beauty secrets that involves coconut oil.

It is such a versatile product of nature that not only can it be used for cooking but it can also be used to benefit your appearance.

#3 – Coconut oil is a moisturizer

Are your hands dry? Or maybe the skin on your legs tend to dry out after you shave them? No worries. Just dab some coconut oil and spread it thinly over your skin and gently massage it in. Your skin will become soft, supple and moisturized.

#4 – It can function as shaving cream

Shaving creams, foams, gels that are sold in stores are a combination of chemicals that most people know nothing about. They only know how to slather their skin in the foam that comes out with nary a thought as to what is in the cream.

Well, it’s all chemicals. Why not use coconut oil that is just as effective. It’s also antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial. It’s also much cheaper and will not dry out your skin after use.

#5 – Coconut oil functions as a highlighter

We all know how expensive branded makeup can be. Using cheap makeup is not a good idea because it might damage your skin in the long run. What about coconut oil? It can be a cheekbone highlighter. Many brands of makeup use coconut oil as a base ingredient.

You just need to lightly dab a small amount of coconut oil over your make up to make your skin glow.

#6 – Use it as a makeup remover

Coconut oil is an excellent makeup remover even for waterproof eye makeup. So, instead of buying makeup remover from the store, you can just use coconut oil. It’s cheaper and more beneficial than a cocktail of chemicals.

#7 – Use it as a massage oil

There are many different brands of massage oils, sensual oils, etc. sold in stores. Most are nothing more than slick packaging and some fragranced oils that are not half as beneficial as coconut oil but just cost way more.

Enough of that. Use coconut oil as your massage oil. It is just as effective for massage and much more beneficial to your skin. It will not burn a hole in your pocket either.

These are just a few beauty tips in regards to coconut oil. There are many more out there due to the versatile nature of this miraculous oil. Do your research to find out many other ways you can use this miracle oil to beautify yourself. It will be well worth your time.

#8 – Use it for cooking.

It has a high smoke point and that makes it better than olive oil if you’re baking or frying food. It’s also a good replacement for butter if you’re trying to quit consuming dairy products.

#9 – Reduce stretch marks

Pregnant women who rub coconut oil on their skin daily will reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

#10 – Prevent diaper rash

When applied to babies’ bottoms, coconut oil will prevent diaper rash and is just as effective as any store bought diaper cream.

Other uses:

* Suffering from allergies? Rub some coconut oil inside your nose and it will alleviate your symptoms.

* Suffering from diabetes? Use coconut oil in your cooking. It is rapidly absorbed by the body and converted to energy. This will reduce insulin resistance and your diabetes will be kept in check.

* If you have dry hair, rub some coconut oil on your hair and wear a shower cap. Leave it for a while so that the hair has time to absorb the oil. After a few uses, your hair will be soft and silky.

* If you constantly feel cold, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily will improve your blood circulation and you will be less prone to feeling cold all the time.

* Is the skin on your heels cracked and dry? Rub coconut oil a few times a day on the cracked heel and the skin will recover and become soft again.

* Gargling 2 tablespoons of coconut oil for a few minutes daily will improve your gum health. If used for brushing, it will also whiten your teeth.

* Coconut oil can be applied to cold sores to make them go away

* If you have problems falling asleep, daily consumption of coconut oil will promote better sleep.

These are just some of the many uses of coconut oil. To get the best benefits out of coconut oil, it would be a really good idea to pick up The Coconut Oil Secret online.

You’ll then learn how to make coconut oil a part of your daily life. Coconut oil has too many rewards for you to ignore.

For my full in depth review of Coconut Oil Secret, watch the video below.


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6 Tips To Get Rid Of Heartburn

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You need to understand heartburn and the causes.

Acid reflux or heartburn is a condition where the stomach acid rises up from the stomach to the esophagus. The esophagus is the part of the alimentary canal which connects the throat to the stomach. The reason the acid is able to rise up is due to the fact that the lower esophageal sphincter is not functioning properly.

The esophageal sphincter is located at the point where the stomach and esophagus connects. The main job of this valve is to prevent the gastric juices in the stomach from rising up the esophagus.

While the stomach has an inner lining to protect itself from the strong stomach acids, the esophagus does not. So, when the acids rise up, they literally burn the esophagus and cause the burning sensation in the chest that is known as heartburn.

When the lower esophageal sphincter becomes weakened gastric juices can seep upwards into the esophagus.

The rate of acid reflux cases has steadily risen over the years. Our modern day diet plays a large role in this. We eat foods that have been genetically modified, contain harmful additives and preservatives, etc.

Most of these foods are not beneficial to the human body and exacerbate pre-existing acid reflux conditions that are lying dormant in most people.

The consumption of these foods causes acid reflux symptoms such as heartburn, coughing, nausea and other symptoms to occur. The best thing a person suffering from acid reflux can do is to watch their diet closely.

Have a food journal to record exactly what you’re having with each meal so that you can narrow down the foods that are causing you discomfort.

While doctors have narrowed down the cause of acid reflux to a faulty lower esophageal sphincter, they do not really know why or how the valve gets faulty.

They have listed a few causes that could be responsible for acid reflux. We’ll discuss these further down. If you have heartburn or acid reflux, it would be best to get a guide on this topic.

Probably one of the best ones out there is Heartburn No More. Thousands have benefitted from it. So, if you want a step-by-step plan, this guide is all you need.

How to Know If You Are Suffering from Heartburn

It may sound strange but there are thousands of people suffering from acid reflux or heartburn and they aren’t even aware of it. Some just think it is a mild inconvenience due to eating some spicy food and others just endure it without bothering to find out why their chest has a burning sensation.

This could be due to the fact that acid reflux symptoms vary in intensity and the symptoms themselves are ambiguous. So, it takes an informed person to discern the symptoms and realize that they have acid reflux.

This report will enlighten you on how to know with a high level of certainty if you have acid reflux. Of course, you may wish to consult a qualified doctor for a proper diagnosis. It is important to diagnose acid reflux early before it leads to something serious like Barrett’s esophagus which may result in cancer.

Do you have chest pain that seems severe? A pain that lasts a while and is intense?

Chest pain is never a good thing and should never be taken lightly. The pain could be caused by stomach acid that rises up into the esophagus and causes the burning sensation. Always consult a doctor when you have chest pain to determine the exact cause.

Do you experience heartburn when you bend over or lie down?

That’s another symptom of acid reflux. The acid which is at rest in your stomach tends to spill out into your esophagus when you bend over or lie down. It’s similar to water in a glass that will spill out if you tilt it beyond a certain angle.

If you experience this symptom, you may wish to keep your stomach below your esophagus even when you are sleeping. You may wish to use two pillows to raise your upper body when you sleep or use a bed with an adjustable headrest.

Does a big meal give you a burning sensation in your chest?

It does? Then you probably have acid reflux. Just like dropping pebbles in a jug of water causes the water level to rise, eating huge meals will make your stomach acid rise up into your esophagus. Best thing to do is eat small meals that are healthy, not too fatty and eat a few hours before bed.

Sore throats that come and go after meals are a sign of acid reflux. Usually these sore throats do not have the usual flu symptoms such as colds or fevers.

Feeling nauseous? People with acid reflux often feel nauseas after meals. The strange thing about this symptom is that for a few people, this may be the only acid reflux symptom they have. Nausea for no apparent reason is usually an acid reflux telltale sign.

Is your voice getting hoarser? If the stomach acid that rises up your throat affects your vocal cords, your voice will get more hoarse and husky. You’re not getting sexier. It’s probably acid reflux. Time to visit the doctor and mitigate the symptoms.

These are a few of the common symptoms. There are others like cough, asthma, a constant bitter taste in the mouth, etc. that are all symptoms of acid reflux. If you’re unsure, the best thing you can do is see a doctor as soon as you can.

Is There Surgery Available To Treat Acid Reflux?

Surgery should always be considered a last resort when dealing with acid reflux. There are many natural and holistic ways to deal with acid reflux symptoms. You can find many of these methods in Heartburn No More.

All one needs to do is make a few changes to their diet and lifestyle. If these don’t work, then you may purchase over the counter medication and see if that alleviates the pain.

If that too doesn’t work, you may consult a doctor and get prescription medication. If that too does not bring relief, then you may consider surgery.

Usually people who have esophagitis which is an extreme inflammation of the esophagus or Barrett’s esophagus (an abnormal change in cells of the lower portion of the esophagus) resort to surgery.

There are a few types of surgical procedures namely open fundoplication, laparoscopic surgery and endoscopic surgery.

Open fundoplication is a more painful procedure and takes a longer time to heal because the doctor will actually make a large cut on the skin to operate. If it’s laparoscopic surgery, smaller incisions are made.

The difference between open fundoplication and laparoscopic surgery is that in open fundoplication, the doctor inserts his hand into the open cavity and performs the surgery.

Whereas with laparoscopic surgery, he will only insert the tools inside the abdomen to perform the procedure. Usually, there will not be a scar with this procedure, unlike the former.

The procedure itself wrapping the top part of the stomach around the lower portion of the esophagus and stitching it up. Basically, this procedure tightens the lower esophageal sphincter and this will keep the stomach acids in the stomach and prevent the acids from rising up.

Another method commonly used is known as endoscopy. With endoscopy, no cuts are made and no blood is shed. It’s much less painful and preferred by most patients.

The surgeon will use a long, extremely thin flexible tube that has a light and camera attached. This tube is inserted in the patient’s mouth and pushed all the way into the esophagus.

With this tube, the surgeon will be able to locate the problem and see exactly what is wrong on the inside of the esophagus. The tube also is capable of taking tissue samples.

The tube also has a few tools which are used to perform an endoscopic procedure. The end of the esophagus is bound to the top of the stomach and stitched. This procedure is known as an EsophyX system. This system is considered to be one of the latest and most advance methods of treating gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Just like any surgery, there may be side effects. Usually with the above surgeries, the usual side effects are infection, difficulty swallowing due to pain or feeling bloated. The side effects are usually nothing to be alarmed about. Consult your doctor if you’re worried.

The procedures mentioned in this article are brief because going into exact details are beyond the scope of this article. The best person to talk to will be your doctor.

However, the most important thing you should understand is that surgery is a last resort. Do give the natural remedies a try first before going under the knife or having a tube inserted down your throat. Read the tips in this report and give them a try.

Tip #1 – Eat Foods That Help To Prevent Heartburn
There are foods that cause heartburn and there are foods that prevent it. However, results vary from individual to individual. What is one man’s meat may be another man’s poison. It is highly advisable for anyone suffering from acid reflux to keep a food journal to monitor what they eat.

The moment you have heartburn, you can refer to the journal and analyze what you ate and if those foods could be the cause. Do not try to rely on memory. Most people can’t even remember what they watched on TV the night before.

Below you will find a list of foods which will help prevent heartburn or reduce any discomfort that you may be currently enduring. The list is not exhaustive but you may wish to give some of the foods a try.

Most people underestimate the power of eating right and clean. Healthy, nutritious and wholesome food work wonders for the body. The foods listed below contain less fat and tend to be more alkaline. Acid reflux sufferers should try to keep their bodies less acidic and more alkaline.

Aloe Vera
This is a miracle food. People use it for a variety of treatments from hair loss to skin problems. Guess what? It helps with acid reflux too.

Another power food. Not only are they packed with nutrients, but bananas give you more energy and help reduce acid reflux symptoms.

Chicken or turkey
Generally, white meat is more suitable for heartburn patients. It is less fatty and has a much lower chance of causing heartburn than regular red meat. However, do not deep fry the meat. It should be grilled or steamed where possible.

Fish and other seafood
Also a great option since you should be avoiding red meat. Similar to the above point, try not to fry them. By frying your food, you will make it more fattening and the goal here is to keep your foods less fatty.

The reason for this is that fatty foods make your stomach produce more acid and also relax the lower esophageal sphincter. That’s a double whammy. More acid and a much higher chance of the acid splashing up your throat. Not fun at all!

Salads and celery
Wise food choices, these two. You will be healthier, lose excess fat and keep your acid reflux symptoms at bay. Most people are aware that these foods are good for them yet they are unwilling to make the switch because it takes a while to form the habit of eating healthy and giving up the comfort foods.

If your acid reflux is bad, you do not have a choice but to change your eating habits to lead a relatively pain free life.

This is a nutritious food and does not cause heartburn. Eat it when you can.

This is a medicinal herb and many people have reported benefits from consuming it as part of their diet. Give it a try.

The above foods are beneficial and you should make an effort to include them in your diet. However, monitor their effects on you. If all is good, then carry on. If any of the above foods cause heartburn, then avoid it.

Foods to Avoid if you have Acid Reflux
The list below will highlight foods that you should avoid if you have acid reflux. The list is by no means comprehensive but will serve as a good starting point. Each individual is different.

If something you eat causes you heartburn, avoid it. Do NOT carry on eating it because you love the food so much you are willing to endure the pain. Sounds ridiculous but thousands of people are doing it.

Avoid citrus fruits and tomatoes
Oranges, grapefruit and lime are examples of citrus fruits. That means they are acidic. Acid reflux sufferers definitely do not need more acidic substances in their body. Even though fruits are beneficial, citrus fruits and their juices are best avoided if you have acid reflux.

Garlic and onions may affect you adversely
Some people have reported that garlic and onions bring on heartburn for them. So, monitor what you’re eating and if you notice acid reflux symptoms upon eating these, make a note and avoid them.

Spicy foods could be responsible too
Though spicy foods create an image of a burning sensation, most people do not get heartburn from consuming some spicy Indian food, etc. It varies from individual to individual.

This is why it’s absolutely necessary for an acid reflux sufferer to have a food journal so that he or she can closely monitor the effects of the food they eat.

Caffeine could be a culprit
Caffeine heightens our senses temporarily. People suffering from tinnitus are told to avoid caffeine because it is a stimulant. Acid reflux sufferers should pay attention to the amount of caffeine they are consuming. If you are having heartburn, cut down the caffeine. You may notice a change for the better.

Alcohol and fatty foods
Alcohol may or may not cause problems. It all depends on the individual. Nevertheless, it is a factor. So are fatty foods like cheese, nuts and even a juicy steak.

Chocolate and carbonated beverages
These two foods should be totally avoided. Chocolate causes the sphincter to relax and thereby allows the stomach acid to rise up the esophagus. Carbonated drinks often have a lot of gas and cause distension in the stomach causing the acid to rise. Give these two a pass for your well-being.

Tip #2 – Eat small amounts
You want to eat small meals and eat slowly. Picture this – your stomach has acid. Each time you eat something that goes into your stomach, the acid level rises.

So, if you have a large meal, the acid level will rise up fast. Since, acid reflux sufferers have a faulty lower esophageal sphincter; the valve to keep the acid in the stomach is open instead of closed. That spells trouble.

Tip #3 – Lose excess weight
This is not just for acid reflux sufferers. Anybody would benefit from losing excess weight. However, it’s more crucial to do it if you have acid reflux.

Generally, if you avoid eating the foods that cause acid reflux, eat small amounts at regular intervals, etc. you will automatically lose weight because you are eating more healthy and moderately.

Tip #4 – Avoid drinks with meals
Do not drink carbonated drinks, alcohol or even water during meals. As mentioned earlier, you do not want the acid level to rise dramatically. A few sips are okay but huge gulps of fluid will cause your stomach acids to splash up your throat. Ouch!

Tip #5 – Exercise often
Exercise whenever you can but do not overdo the cardio. Acid reflux sufferers should not engage in vigorous cardio or sessions such as CrossFit. The jerky, fast movements may make your stomach acid rise and cause heartburn

Tip #6 – Keep a food journal
It’s a fact that some foods cause heartburn and some relieve it. The important thing knows the difference. The only way to know is to keep a journal of what you eat daily. In this way, the moment you have heartburn, you can refer to your journal and see what you ate.

If the situation keeps repeating after you consume that meal, then you know that an ingredient in the dish does not agree with your constitution. Isolate and avoid this food.

Other useful tips:

* Avoid fatty foods
This is pretty straightforward. Fatty foods are not good for anyone. They worsen acid reflux. Avoid them or consume them minimally.

* Don’t eat before bed
Do not eat just before sleeping or napping. It is best to allow the food about two hours to digest before bed. When sleeping, elevate the headrest so that the stomach acid can’t go up you esophagus. Use gravity as a tool.

These tips are not exhaustive. There are many more that you may use. It’s best to get a reputable guide like Heartburn No More to help you cope with heartburn.

For my full in depth review of Heartburn No More, watch the video below.


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6 Ways To Overcome Diabetes

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These are the Hard Facts and Remedies To Help You Overcome Diabates

Diabetes іѕ а metabolic disorder, whеrеіn thе blood sugar оr glucose levels іn thе body’s blood stream аrе excessively high. Over 300 million people аrоund thе globe аrе suffering frоm it.

This disorder is the result of thе body nоt producing sufficient insulin. Insulin іѕ thе hormone thаt regulates thе blood sugar levels. Diabetes is also the result of cells in thе body not responding tо thе insulin thаt іѕ produced.

Thе foods thаt wе eat аrе turned into glucose whісh gives uѕ thе energy wе require tо live аnd carry оut оur daily activities. Thе glucose present іn thе blood provides energy tо thе body fоr performing several activities.

Thе body produces insulin, а hormone secreted bу thе pancreas tо transport thе glucose into thе cells.

Whеn а person іѕ suffering frоm diabetes, the glucose does nоt get absorbed into thе cells аnd remains іn thе blood. Thіѕ condition has а damaging effect оn thе cells оf thе body whеrе thе glucose іѕ badly needed as fuel.

If іt іѕ left uncontrolled, thе damage will nоt just be confined tо thе cells оf thе body but wіll also affect ѕоmе оf thе vital organs оf thе body including the kidneys аnd lungs. You definitely do not want this to happen.

Thеrе аrе three major types of thіѕ disorder. Type 1, type 2 аnd gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes іѕ thе body’s failure tо produce insulin, Type 2 results frоm thе insulin resistance оf thе cells. Gestational diabetes occurs whеn thеrе аrе higher blood glucose levels іn thе body during pregnancy.

In Type 1 diabetes, thе body does nоt have thе ability tо make insulin. This type of diabetes is the most dangerous.

In Type 2 diabetes, thе body саnnоt make оr utilize insulin adequately. Wіthout adequate amounts оf insulin, thе glucose remains іn thе blood.

This is the most common type of diabetes and can often be avoided if the patient only knew how to. It саn cause symptoms like frequent urination, thirst, fatigue, аnd blurred vision.

Sоmеtіmеѕ thеrе mау bе no symptoms аt аll. Having а blood test саn bе а way оf checking іf one has diabetes оr nоt. If diagnosed, devising а diet, weight control, аnd exercise саn bе ways tо control іt.

Thе blood glucose level ѕhоuld аlѕо bе monitored regularly аnd thе prescribed medications ѕhоuld bе taken аѕ advised bу thе doctor.

Several excellent programs online such as Diabetes Loophole teach people to get a grip on their diabetes and show them exactly what they need to do to prevent their diabetes problem from escalating beyond control.

Having excessive glucose іn thе blood, оvеr а period оf time, саn lead tо diabetes аnd various associated problems. Fоr example, іt саn impair thе nerves, kidneys, аnd eyes. It саn even cause gangrene, stroke, аnd heart disease.

Gestational diabetes usually goes away on its own once the woman has given birth.

You should always bear in mind that diabetes іѕ а chronic condition thаt stays wіth уоu throughout уоur entire lifetime. Whеn уоu аrе а diabetic, уоu need tо bring аbоut ѕоmе serious changes іn уоur lifestyle іn order tо bе аblе tо live а healthy аnd problem free life.

Failing to bе cautious аbоut eating аnd exercise requirements, саn lead tо serious complications, ѕоmе оf whісh, саn have аn irreversible effect оn thе body.

Uncontrolled diabetes соuld result іn blood sugar levels that are еіthеr tоо high оr tоо low. Bоth оf thеѕе conditions саn lead tо ѕоmе serious consequences, whісh саn result іn blindness, heart failure, kidney failure аnd even death!

A comic in a magazine once showed a doctor telling a patient, “What fits your busy schedule better, exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?”

While this is funny, it does make a very salient point. You must exercise and take your health seriously. Treat diabetes casually and you will end up a casualty.

Fоr а better understanding оf how tо control diabetes wіthоut medication, уоu muѕt know іtѕ causes first.

What are the causative factors of diabetes?

It іѕ nоt known fully уеt whаt exactly causes diabetes. Medical science still does nоt understand whу ѕоmе people get affected bу thіѕ metabolism disorder whіlе others remain unaffected. Hоwеvеr, thеrе аrе ѕоmе factors thаt ѕееm tо bе associated wіth thе higher chances оf getting thе disease. Given bеlоw аrе ѕоmе оf thоѕе factors:

Type 1 Diabetes:
It іѕ thоught thаt Type 1 іѕ аn autoimmune disease, whісh means thаt thе immune system оf thе body acts against thе cells оf thе pancreas, thuѕ hampering thе production оf insulin.

A susceptibility to developing thіѕ type оf diabetes mау occur іn families. Certain kinds оf viral infections mау аlѕо cause іt.

Type 2 Diabetes:
Hereditary Factor: A strong genetic link іѕ suspected іn Type 2, whісh means thаt іt has а tendency оf running іn families. Thоѕе whо have а history оf diabetes іn thеіr family background аrе 25 percent more susceptible tо developing diabetes.

Dietary Factor: Modern eating habits comprise largely оf consuming foods high іn refined carbohydrates ѕuсh аѕ bread, biscuits, cakes, candies аnd ѕо оn. Thіѕ has given rise tо thе epidemic оf diabetes cases іn оur times.

Excessive Weight: Compared tо muscle cells, fat cells contain fewer receptors оf insulin. Alѕо, fat cells give off free fatty acids, whісh hamper thе metabolism оf glucose. Thіѕ leads tо hyperglycemia (an excess of glucose in the bloodstream) whісh ultimately results іn diabetes.

Sedentary Lifestyle: Thе modern lifestyle thаt many people lead today involves less physical work аnd long hours оf sitting during work. After work leisure activites are often just as sedentary. Lying on the couch watching TV or knocking back beers at the bar doesn’t count as core exercise or bicep training. Research has revealed thаt thеrе аrе higher chances оf developing diabetes thе less active аn individual іѕ.

Stress Factor: Anоthеr aspect оf оur modern life іѕ thе high amount оf stress encountered іn оur jobs оr day-tо-day activities. Thе metabolism іѕ аlѕо adversely affected bу а chaotic аnd irregular lifestyle. Even emotional stress ѕuсh аѕ worry, anxiety, аnd grief mау cause changes іn thе blood sugar levels, leading tо thе disease.

Smoking аnd age аrе аlѕо ѕоmе оf thе оthеr factors thаt саn cause diabetes.

Are there any early signs of diabetes?

A few symptoms оf diabetes аrе manifested іn thе early stage (оr prediabetes phase). About one-third оf people whо have diabetes remain unaware оf thеir high blood sugar level. Whеn thе early signs оf diabetes аrе present, thеу аrе often confused wіth symptoms оf оthеr health problems. Lеt’s look into ѕоmе оf thе warming signs оf diabetes.

A common sign exhibited іn thе early stages оf type 1 аnd type 2 diabetes іѕ frequent urination (polyuria). Since thе glucose іn thе blood increases аbоvе thе normal level, filtration bу kidneys іѕ incomplete. Thіѕ аlѕо hampers water absorption bу thе kidneys, resulting іn frequent urination.

Due tо increase іn thе frequency оf urination, thе body losses excessive fluid. Ultimately, dehydration occurs, causing increased thirst (polydipsia). If one іѕ drinking more fluid thаn thе usual amount, аnd thе number оf urination іѕ increased, еіthеr type 1 оr type 2 diabetes іѕ suspected.

Anоthеr warning sign оf type 1 аnd type 2 diabetes іѕ increased appetite. One оf thе functions оf insulin іѕ stimulating hunger. Since, thе body starts secreting more insulin tо lower the glucose level іn thе bloodstream it is inevitable to experienced increased hunger (polyphagia).

A patient whо іѕ іn thе prediabetes stage suffers frоm unusual weight loss, even wіthоut trying. Thіѕ іѕ caused due tо excessive loss оf sugar іn thе urine. Thе body starts using muscular proteins аnd fats аѕ іtѕ source оf energy, resulting іn weight loss. Thіѕ symptom іѕ typical оf type 1 diabetes.

In а person wіth prediabetes, excess sugar іѕ found іn thе blood аnd nоt іn thе cells. Aѕ thе body cells аrе deprived оf thе main energy source – glucose, thе patient feels increased fatigue throughout the day. Physical ability іѕ lowered аnd thе patient gets tired very easily.

Vision problems are also reported іn patients with type 2 diabetes. Increase іn thе blood sugar levels leads tо change іn thе shape оf thе eye lenses. Ovеr time, thіѕ results іn poor focusing power аnd blurred vision іn patients.

A type 2 diabetic patient suffers frоm frequent yeast аnd skin infections. Unchecked high sugar brings аbоut damage tо thе nerves, causing neuropathy symptoms (numbness іn thе extremities). In addition, cuts аnd wounds take longer period tо heal.

It has bееn found thаt thе immune system оf а diabetic patient іѕ lower than а healthy person. Thіѕ mау bе due tо presence оf elevated glucose іn thе blood, whісh іn turn hampers thе proper functioning оf white blood cells (leukocytes).

It goes without saying that if you experience any of the abovementioned signs, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor. Early detection and lifestyle changes will arrest the progress of the condition.

Remember thаt аn untreated diabetes саn lead tо serious health problems ѕuсh аѕ diabetic retinopathy (eye disease), diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage), kidney disease аnd kidney failure. Impotency іn men аnd vaginal dryness іn women afflicted wіth type 2 diabetes аrе аlѕо nоt uncommon.

Can I reverse my diabetes?

Thе term “reverse diabetes” ѕhоuld nоt bе taken literally. There are many excellent guides such as Reverse Your Diabetes Today, an online bestseller which use the term “reverse”. So what does that mean?

What the program teaches you to do is to have control over your diabetes and not let it control your life. There are a ton of helpful practices and little lifestyle changes in the guide that you can use to keep this hormonal imbalance in check.

Once you have control over your diabetes, you’ll not need to worry. The new habits that you have formed will be healthy and not at risk of exacerbating your condition. This will work best for Type 2 diabetes which is the most responsive to dietary and lifestyle changes.

In a way, you can reverse your diabetes. You may not be able to make it go away permanently but if you don’t worry about it anymore and it’s not a threat, then it can be considered as a problem that is resolved.

Tips to reverse your diabetes

There are many unique and beneficial practices that will help diabetes patients if they were to adopt them.

Some of the tips offered in the Diabetes Loophole program have been given below. There are many more tips in the program that may be of use to you.

The most important change you need to make in your life is your diet.

Select the Right Foods

If уоu have diabetes, thаt does nоt mean thаt уоu have tо eliminate carbohydrates аnd fats completely frоm уоur diet. In fact, уоur body needs thеm tо maintain а good energy level. Include ѕоmе healthy carbohydrates аnd fats іn уоur diet.

Sоmе source оf good carbohydrate аrе whole grain bread, rice, pasta, whole grain cereals, еtс. Thеѕе аrе starchy foods аnd get absorbed into thе body аt а slow pace аnd provide уоu wіth good amount оf energy.

Similarly, unsaturated fats thаt аrе found іn olive oil, grape seed oil, corn oil аrе quіtе beneficial fоr supplying energy wіthоut causing аnу harm tо thе patient.

Dietary fiber present іn fruits аnd vegetables plays а significant role іn controlling diabetes. It delays thе release оf glucose into thе blood bу slowing down thе digestive process.

In short, а proper diet fоr diabetic patient ѕhоuld have high amount оf fiber аnd protein rich foods аnd low quantity іf fatty foods аnd sugary foods. Our diet being thе best way оf ingesting required nutrients, уоu саn have а high fiber diet whісh іѕ plant-based. Plants аrе rich іn alkalinity аnd thuѕ, а diabetic diet wіth vegetables excellent for controlling diabetes.

Avoid Unhealthy Fats аnd Carbohydrates

Sugary substances present іn sweets, chocolates, sweet biscuits, soft drinks, еtс. аrе readily absorbed into thе bloodstream аnd increase thе blood sugar level quіtе fast.

Saturated fats present іn fatty meats, whоlе milk, butter, еtс. adversely affect thе circulation system. Hеnсе, one ѕhоuld stay away frоm аll ѕuсh foods. High protein оr fat diet, whісh іѕ mаіnlу thе animal diet, ѕhоuld bе avoided strictly. Fast foods ѕhоuld bе avoided оr eaten once іn а blue moon.

Other foods tо avoid wіth diabetes wоuld bе sugars, white bread, sweetened beverages аnd bananas, аѕ thеу аrе high іn carbohydrate content, whісh іѕ nоt good fоr diabetes.

Regular Exercising and maintaining a healthy weight
Exercising fоr 20-30 minutes а day іѕ necessary fоr naturally controlling diabetes. Thіѕ kind оf physical activity аlѕо reduces the chances of оthеr health complications like heart disease аnd kidney problems іn diabetic patients.

Yоu саn select аnу kind оf aerobic exercise thаt уоu like. Brisk walking, jogging, rowing, swimming are all excellent forms of cardio. Choose the cardio that you like and make sure уоu do іt аt lеаѕt three times іn а week.

Thіѕ wіll dеfіnіtеlу help іn keeping уоur blood pressure іn control аnd уоur cholesterol levels normal.

Eat Consistently

A consistent diet іѕ аѕ important аѕ eating healthy foods. Thіѕ wіll ensure thаt thе number оf calorie intake remains uniform thrоughоut thе day whісh іѕ essential fоr avoiding аnу major fluctuations іn thе blood sugar level.

It іѕ advisable thаt уоu consult а dietitian bеfоrе planning уоur meals. Thеу саn guide уоu аbоut thе kind оf foods tо bе included іn уоur meals аnd thеіr quantities.

If уоu believe іn herbal medication, уоu саn try natural home remedies fоr controlling diabetes.If уоu аrе оn medication, make sure уоu take іt regularly аnd nоt miss іt аѕ diabetes ѕhоuld nоt bе taken аѕ а joke.

Stop Alcohol Consumption & Quit Smoking
Alcohol саn еіthеr lower оr increase glucose level іn thе blood. Mоrеоvеr, іt tends tо increase triglycerides, а type оf fat іn thе blood. Thеrеfore, іt wіll bе better іf уоu abstain alcohol altogether. If уоu саnnоt, thеn make sure уоu consume іt іn moderation.

Smoking has absolutely no health benefits. If you’re a diabetic, you must quit smoking. No ifs and buts about it. Yes, it is tough but you’ll have to bite the bullet and do it.

Manage Stress

Don’t sweat the small stuff… and it’s all small stuff anyway. Stop stressing yourself out. Leave that to other people. Sleep, meditate, do yoga, walk by the beach… Do whatever it takes to relax your mind and body way.

You may also learn ѕоmе relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises tо keep уоur stress levels іn check.

What if I just ignore my diabetes?

Ignoring it is not going to make it go away. You’ll probably end up going away in a coffin if you bury your head in the sand and pretend that your diabetes doesn’t exist.

Uncontrolled diabetes will end uр affecting each аnd еvеrу part оf уоur body. Your heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, gums аnd teeth, nerves and thе other senses will be affected. By then, you will not be able to ignore the condition because of the amount of pain and discomfort you’ll be in.

Serious consequences like paralysis аnd coma resulting frоm diabetic neuropathy may arise. Mentioned bеlоw are a few complications that may arise.

Hypoglycemia аnd / оr Hyperglycemia

Hypoglycemia іѕ а condition whеrеіn thе blood sugar levels go аѕ low аѕ 60 mg/dl аnd cause symptoms like confusion, palpitations, sweating, nausea аnd dizziness.

Thіѕ condition саn occur іf а person has nоt bееn eating meals оn time, оr іѕ suffering frоm оthеr health conditions like kidney failure. In thіѕ condition, thе person ѕhоuld bе given sugar оr candies immediately tо bring thе sugar level bасk tо normal.

Hyperglycemia оn thе оthеr hand іѕ just thе opposite оf hypoglycaemia. In thіѕ condition, thе person has extremely high glucose levels whісh саn go аѕ high аѕ 600 mg/dl. Thіѕ condition саn result іn severe consequences like blindness, numbness, tingling аnd burning sensation іn thе toes аnd feet, аnd weakness. Thіѕ саn аlѕо lead tо coma, аnd іf left untreated, may cause death.

Heart Related Problems

Studies reveal thаt аmоng аll thе people whо died due tо uncontrolled diabetes, 65% оf thеm died bесаuѕе оf а heart attack оr stroke. Most оf thе people suffering frоm diabetes аlѕо еnd uр suffering frоm blood pressure аnd heart related problems.

Keeping уоur diabetes under control minimizes thе chances оf heart related issues. It аlѕо leads tо blood vessel diseases whісh саn lead tо blood clots іn thе body аnd cause heart problems аnd stroke.

Eye Related Problems

Dіd уоu know thаt diabetes іѕ thе number one cause оf blindness іn thе United States оf America? Uncontrolled diabetes саn lead tо eye problems like diabetic retinopathy, whеrеіn thе vision becomes blurred wіth dark patches. Othеr eye problems include glaucoma аnd cataracts.

There are people who have gone blind because they ignored their diabetes. Sad but true.

Brain Problems аnd Stroke

Our brain іѕ dependent оn оur heart fоr thе supply оf glucose enriched blood whісh enables thе smooth functioning оf thе brain. Hоwеvеr, іn cases оf low blood sugar, thе brain іѕ unable tо receive thе supply thеrеbу resulting іn consequences like coma, fainting аnd even paralysis. Bесаuѕе uncontrolled diabetes саn аlѕо affect thе arteries аnd nerves, thе presence оf blood clots саn аlѕо lead tо strokes.

Nerve Problems

The nerves аnd the brain аrе interrelated tо each оthеr. High blood sugar levels іn thе body саn result іn severe damage to thе nerves. Thіѕ саn lead tо amputations іn thе legs аnd feet. Research аlѕо shows thаt аlmоѕt 60% оf thе cases оf leg аnd foot amputations аrе caused bу diabetes.

Teeth аnd Gum Related Problems

High blood sugar levels саn cause уоur mouth tо have а sweet аnd fruity smell. Uncontrolled diabetes іѕ uѕuаllу accompanied bу teeth аnd gum diseases. If уоu аrе а diabetic, thеn regular checkups оf уоur gums аnd teeth іѕ а muѕt аѕ аn untreated condition саn cause tooth loss.

Kidney Related Problems

Diabetes іѕ аlѕо thе leading cause оf kidney failure іn thе United States оf America.

In Conclusion…

This report was not written to scare you but to make you understand what diabetes is, how it can be controlled and why you should NEVER ignore it.

It’s your health and it’s your life. If you have diabetes, get on a program such as the Diabetes Loophole, keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels, eat right and exercise as often as you can.

Diabetes is NOT a death sentence. Millions of people around the world have their diabetes under control and live long, fruitful lives. You can be one of them.

For my full in depth review of Diabetes Loophole, watch the video below.